We THOUGHT we knew what the weather was like...

Adapting to life in the Northwest.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What is the Difference Between these 2 Cats?

This one is Henrietta. The other one is Henry.

Big,embarrassing mistake. All this time we thought Henrietta was a she- well Jim took "her" to the vet for "her" shots and SURPRISE! She is a he. Melissa- don't ever take my word for it when I sex kittens.


Elizabeth said...

Ha! And yes - Henry is quite an effeminate-looking cat....I think it's the pink mouth and nose. And his coquettish expression.

Six in our Crew said...

I guess we'll be rechecking ours! Wade's brother had a cat named Lucy, they eventually discovered he was a Leonard! It happens! Henry looks healthy and loved!

Anonymous said...

I was positive my cat, Sophie, was a 'he' when he was a kitten ~ his name was "Leo" 'til I was at the vet and had to come up with a different name!

Six in our Crew said...

Update - After some carefully checking - Sally is now Sal!!! That's four out of five males in the litter! Of course I'll call my sister and have her check her two again! She thinks she has males - we'll see!! LOL!!

Mary and Jim said...

At least it costs less to fix these kind of problems... ;-)