We THOUGHT we knew what the weather was like...

Adapting to life in the Northwest.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Why did it have to be a snake?

We just got home from seeing the new Indiana Jones movie at 10:30 tonight, so naturally various nasty creatures were lurking in the back of my mind. As I stepped through the garage door. something caught the corner of my eye just outside the door.......

Jim said he had not seen me move so fast in ages! A nice sized gopher snake, out for his evening meal-Go get'em boy! (but please stay out of the garage!)


ALittlePeaceAndQuiet said...

Hey! I just had a great idea. I'll trade you one cat for one gopher snake. I think that's fair. Do they eat kittens? Well, I'll keep him fat on gophers for the next few years until the cats are big enough to take care of themselves.

I believe you already have the cat...what time can I stop by for the snake?

Elizabeth said...

Oh my gosh - I would have moved fast too! And I know Jason would have probably run away faster than me!

Mary and Jim said...

Wade, if you can find him again, you can have him. Or if we see him, we will give him directions to Moncure Rd. Hope he gets across Jack Tone and West Ripon ok.