We THOUGHT we knew what the weather was like...

Adapting to life in the Northwest.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Juanita!

You can guess from the pictures where I took my dear friend Juanita for her birthday. (actually the big 7-0 is next week, but any excuse for a trip to Yosemite). We braved the road construction crews widening the road (despite the environmentalists' uproar), a very warm (90+) day and European tourists (hello Californians- you CAN get to and from Yosemite for less than 1 tank of expensive gas!) . And we enjoyed the most wonderful day enjoying the amazing creative power of our God. Even though I have been going there all my life- I can even vaguely remember the Firefall as a young child- it always awes me. Especially on a spring day with the falls crashing and the dogwoods in bloom. (Liz and Anne- you ARE NOT ALLOWED to comment on the dogwood fixation of your mother.) I added a few pictures to our dogwood collection, by the way. Enjoy! (Note: Due to the fear of federal prosecution,those are silk dogwoods Juanita is holding. )


AnneMarie said...

Looks like you two had a wonderful time! As for the dogwoods, last week Nate and I were walking around the Ballard Locks' gardens and I said..."Oh Oh! Hand me the camera that dogwood is in bloom!" He just looked at me and held tight to the camera while I sank into a pit of despair over the fact that I was becoming what I had mocked so long ago...

Your pictures look lovely by the way.

Six in our Crew said...

Ok - Why did my family make fun of me for taking pictures of the Dogwoods in bloom? We're not even related! Wade tried making me believe that these beautiful blossoms were not Dogwoods. At least now I have proof that they are indeed - I'll say it again - Dogwoods!! Thanks Mary! I'm glad you had a nice time!

Mary and Jim said...

Maybe it is a sex-linked gene.

Mary and Jim said...
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Elizabeth said...

Looks like fun! I love Yosemite...the best national park in my opinion, but I'm just biased.