Tonight the little burg of Poulsbo celebrated the annual arrival of Lucia at the waterfront. We had truly nordic conditions- freezing cold , plus a "brisk" wind that made us vow that next year we are bringing a thermos of "glögg". A good sized crowd of Poulsboians and others turned out to hear the retelling of the story of the Christian girl from Sicily who somehow became the Swedish Lucia. Norway and Sweden were once united, so I guess the Norwegians can honor her, too. (albeit 1 week early- Lucia day is actually Dec 13). Our famous Vikings, carrying torches, paraded up the boardwalk along the bay, around the park and onto the dock to await Lucia's arrival. Once there, there was a few long blows on their Viking horns (real HORNS!) and a small Viking boat appeared around the corner, with a few rowers doing their best to make headway against a strong north wind. All I was hoping was that Lucia had on her long underwear beneath that white gown. And perhaps a life vest.
After escorting her to the gazebo, we had another sort-of-rousing chorus of "Santa Lucia"- sung in Swedish (the Norwegian/ Americans were doing the best they could), and then the Vikings and Lucia walked over to light the bonfire. The pagan Viking traditions got a little mixed up with the Christian Lucia traditions at this point- the people lighting fires in the darkest part of the winter to ask that the sun return, etc. But there was a reference to the salvation provided by Christ replacing the pagan beliefs- that was a very good surprise!
The bonfire blazed, everyone cheered, Santa arrived on a fire engine, and the event was complete.
A fun way to start Christmas- so we came home to glögg and a warm fire. And snow is forecast for tonight. Great evening.

Even a "Tomte" was there.